The wild duck

What should we do?

What are we?

How are we supposed to live?

And the main question is
 should we really seek idealism ,
or just enjoy the life lie ? .....

AS usual, instead of studying clinical pharmacy as i should i turned to a book to read, and now to be honest i think that book was much more useful than clincal pharmacy , at least it s more useful to my being.

The book is "The wild duck" a play by Henrik Ibsen, a great Norwegian playwright.
At first the paly doesnt reveal much about the family of Ekdal and the family of Werle, but smoothly through the acts of the play u get to discover a lot about those people.

The Ekdals live in some kind of dreamlife based on bunch of lies or as their neighbour say an example of the "life lie".

Gina the wife of Halmar Ekdal the son, once was the mistress of the Werle head family who got The old Ekdal into prison then arranged the marriage of the Ekdal son to his mistress so he can gat away from her growing fetus.Halmar has many illusion in his life about his career , his faithful wife and his loving daughter.

Then comes the son of Werle,Gregers  the idealist who cant tolerate that bunch of lies , although those lies had given the Ekdals somekind of balanced happy life. The idealist tell Halmar about all the lies he has been living through.which totally ruins him and his house .

Through this events the playwright takes the wounded wild duck that Hedvig the Illegitimate daughter of Gina raises and cares for as a symbol for the complicated situation the kind loving but illegitimate daughter in.

As a sign of  loving her father the idealist advices her to shoot the wild duck but she shoots herself instead to get rid of such lousy ruined life.

So based on this brief and based on our real lives, I'd like you -My dear reader- answer some questions even for yourself:-
 Should we really seek idealism and truth no matter of what? Even if its gonna ruin our happy life some how?
Or, Should we just deal with the happy facts that biuld or life lie and Enjoy it?

Should we face the people we know with the truth. the whole truth no matter of waht ? 
Or shoul we charich their happy balanced life even if its based on some liess?

I think thats the real questions which will let us be or not to be .......


  1. ما هذا العمل الرائع اتمنى ان اراك وارى ابداعاتك
    الجميله والشيقه وانشاء الله الى الامام والله يبارلك في كل شي

  2. nice work you just helped me in my study of this play

  3. any time my dear reader
    it gives me a great pleasure that my blog helped u with ur study
    u r so welcome

  4. thanks , 4 helping me in my study of the play ..and thanks also 4 the qustions that u have displayed


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