How it looks

Trending to be more optimistic in the upcoming rest of my life , i d like to state that generally it looks good.

My careerpath is going exactly as i planned for it two yrs ago after graduating from my hell of college .

I m getting out of egypt as a part of my big plan for life as i always wished.

My way of thinking is dramatically improved on many aspects specially religiously.

May be my love life is totally screwed right now as i didnt get to turn the love of my life into the partner of my life as i ve been wishing for four long years . But all in all i m getting better on daily basis waiting for the day my heart stop shaking and my fingers tips stop heating everytime something reminds me of that love .

My social life is at its top yhat unexpectedly i m planning to shrink it a little bit , a move of which if i had told it to teen me he would have laughed his tears out .

May be everyday my travelling become closer , my fear of the unknown future grows bigger and bigger but i intend to shift this fear into positive power to change a lot of things that i dont like about myself rightnow.

So all in all i only have one thing to say
الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لولا أن هدانا الله


  1. خدنا تحت جناحك ياعم حسام

  2. و الله يا عمرو الجناح منتوف حاليا لسه منبتش
    وعموما نبوءاتي هتحقق ان شاء الله في القريب


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